Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Still on the road...

This past weekend we had our newest son dedicated at our favorite church up here in New York. Try explaining a completely abstract concept like God to a 3 year old who is very much in the concrete (see to believe) stage of development. Needless to say, he had some funny questions:
1. Does this church have a restaurant?
2 (while discussing why people pray with Mommy... why we can talk to God, but not see him) Does God have a telephone?
3. Is God an elephant? ("WTF?" is the first question that came to your head, right? He has a storybook on the topic and the main character is an elephant.)
All very funny questions.
Just last night, my 3 year old proved to be a comedian again. We were over at his uncle's house. My brother in-law is a cable technician and he was trained in gaffing (climbing up poles with special spikes on his boots) and he wanted to demonstrate for J. He didn't want to miss any of the action, but he had to go pee. His solution? Drop his pants in the middle of the field while watching without any verbal warning. When you are a potty trained boy, the world becomes your toilet.

1 comment:

Jane Thomas said...

I remember one other little boy who had to pee so bad that when we got home he jumped out of the car and peed right on the front of God and the entire neighborhood! Must be a genetic thing. lol

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