Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Ok, I am positive that if you have been awake for the last two weeks, you have heard something about this:

I saw an interview on the Today Show this morning with the ringleader. I have a few problems with this whole story. First of all, this ringleader had the audacity to claim that the women did nothing wrong and that they were the victims. I agree with her to a point. I am a very loyal person and I take the whole marriage thing very seriously. I believe that if you take the time to get married, then you need to take the vows seriously. I have no doubt in my mind that this guy was a scumbag, if only for the simple fact that he had two lovers on the side. With that said, I don't agree with her that the women did nothing wrong. I am all for confronting the guy. I am even fine that they tied him up. He is obviously an idiot for falling for the whole "I am going to tie you up for a massage" thing. WHO GETS TIED UP FOR A MASSAGE?!? But, the second they get physical and assault him with Krazy Glue, in the eyes of the law, it is wrong. The law doesn't take heartbreak into consideration. The ringleader also went on to claim that the she was involved to "protect her children and possibly other children." How is gluing a man's penis to his leg (although that is even unclear because some say his leg and others say his stomach) protecting children?
You can read the story and draw you own conclusions here: http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/32370053/ns/today-today_people/

1 comment:

frogpad22 said...

er.... i've been awake the better part of the last two weeks (i do have a tendency to sleep late), but i hadn't heard of this! i read a novel a few years ago where a couple of disgruntled wives were getting back at the one's soon-to-be ex by super gluing him to the bed. now, to be fair, i chuckled.... but it was a novel!!! what kind of crazy (or Krazy?!) people are out there these days? totally not funny in real life!

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